
Friday, December 30, 2011

Good Bye to 2011 and Well-Wishes for 2012

Normally the start of a new year is not a big deal to me. But this time, I am eagerly awaiting 2012 and praying for a year of peace and no major mishaps.

This is mainly because 2011 has not been a fantastic year for me. It started off with great hope and optimism, but I think it'd be fair to say that all of that quickly subsided within the first four months of the year and was replaced by stress in my personal and professional life. There were a couple scares in my family regarding health, and that is always a big wake-up call. Another area of disappointment for me is that I didn't do much writing at all; in fact, I honestly didn't do ANY writing at all. None in reference to my goal of writing and getting published. That, to me, is a big fail on my part.

2011 has been a strange year, to say the least, and I think this applies not only to me but to many others I know and to the world at large. There were so many big incidences this year related to weather, politics, economy, societal issues, etc. Such a weird year it seems. I don't recall so much discontentment in one year.

But with 2012 coming, I look forward to restoring the hope and optimism that was my 2011 goal. I am, however, more cautiously optimistic and hopeful. I think I've done a bit of "growing up" in 2011.

Anyway, best wishes to you for 2012. May you have a wonderful New Year full of hope and optimism!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


A powerful video on bullying:

And then a response to the above video, just as powerful:

What you say & do can affect others in ways you’ll never know. What you DON’T say or DON’T do also has the same affect.